Status: Success


To Rendezvous or Not To Rendezvous

Mission Objectives

  • To rendezvous 'r not to rendezvous
  • beest dramatic
  • improviseth

Mission Summary

We expl'r'd the questioneth at handeth and madeth a det'rmination yond t did need m're expl'ration

Mrc rearrang'd the f'rt with the holp of pilots and cadets alike
t wast an unusual day at f'rt antw'rp, pilots and cadets alike gath'r'd while the day star wast still high in the sky to picketh things up and putteth those folk down in a diff'rent location multiple times. The f'rt wast in needeth of a rearrangement aft'r t wast did agree upon yond the current one hath felt a did bite did crowd cometh mission timeth and pilots art buzzing 'round with urgent tasks. This new arrangement tooketh about seven pilots/cadets and two hours to accomplisheth and is meanteth to taketh advantage of the nay stuffeth zones mandat'd by starmada commandeth's gov'rning corse. T wast did declare yond we has't hath built a mountain of ship in one c'rn'r of the f'rt while the rest of the f'rt is meanteth f'r m're spacious piloteth activities

As mrc did wind down and pilots begane to wend about hanging out 'r prepping f'r the upcoming mission, t wast did announce yond a cadet is eft to graduateth and a timeth wast setteth f'r a knighting at the schedul'd launcheth timeth. The knighting c'remony f'r jaguar wast did hold in the freshly rearrang'd f'rt yond that gent holp to fruition at the setteth timeth by excess despite the mission being did delay f'r reasons about to beest did explain anon. With jaguar freshly knight'd as a full piloteth of scul the gang che'r'd and did hug. Hip hip ho'ray!

The pre-flight of this mission wast a mellow, hectic, dramatic and melodramatic, 'r wast t? t wast discov'r'd by Bane Thund'rwolf yond Bieb'r Fev'r hadst a bended boost'r stanchion spindle and the starship scrapyard wast out of replacements! woe to the fev'r of Bieb'r. Aft'r some brainst'rming t wast det'rmin'd tonight wast not the night and yond the gang wouldst has't to flyeth without the exp'rtise and dramaticisms of Bane Thund'rwolf. L'rdmcfuzz then putteth cadet starduck in the position of navigat'r with high expectations f'r their second mission. Deck offic'r Leotard madeth sure the rest of the jobs w're hand'd out and pilots sufficiently prepp'd

Mission rep'rt'r notes: this mission is a quaint unique one, nay harvs and cadets/newly knight'd pilots outnumb'r'd season'd pilots

On the launcheth pad, the opening c'remonies wast dramatically hath carried out by mission leadeth'r L'rdmcfuzz. Pilots did join in on the theatrics, especially at which hour hath asked if 't be true the fleet wast willing to rendezvous with the century mission. Mission paramet'rs w're did lay out with the kind of theatics yond one wouldst has't to studyeth bef're und'rstanding, the high brow kind of stuffeth. With a selfish paramet'r of stopping f'r some ste'ring dampen'r sh'rtly aft'r launcheth because mrc did roll right into pre-flight and the mission leadeth'r hath felt yond those gents couldst not leaveth the f'rt so closeth to the launcheth timeth

Starduck did get into the gang's groove f'r navigating quick with a dram bombardi'r cockpit navigating tips. Those gents w're coequal leading the fleet on chastity, and t wast their second mission! t wast det'rmin'd at the endeth of the mission yond those gents did earn a medal of val'r f'r taking on this role on sh'rt noticeth and dram exp'rience in the ways of navigating. Those gents did plot a course down the exsufflicate mem'rial byway at which Zipeth Driveth v3. 1 suff'r'd a mechanical!

Cadet Meownd'rthal sprung into action with toolbag. Those gents assess'd yond the boost'r hadst crosseth thread'd and wast threatening the success of the mission. That gent wast able to extracteth t, and rev'rse thread t from the oth'r side to receiveth the threads to realigneth themselves. The rest of the gang tooketh some sh're leaveth on the quite byway. The exp'rt hands madeth valorous w'rk on the boost'r and t hath appeared the op'ration wast a success. Th're wast nay reasoneth the returneth the f'rt early so the fleet did press on.

Near N'rth Pointeth L'rdmcfuzz wast remind'd of some v'ry smelly tardises from few mission ago as sev'ral banks of those folk w're deploy'd f'r some space walking nonce. T wast did guard by a sleepy rent-an-st'rmtroop'r, quite similar to one yond the gang hast hath met a few years ago at the v'ry spoteth. The fleet tooketh some sh're leaveth at a playground wh're ships and st'ries w're swapp'd and a route home wast did plan. Starduck wast did teach the ways of navigating the fleet into and out of a black hole with success h're.

a casual flight backeth to the f'rt wh're L'rdmcfuzz hadst a dramatic breakdown about how that gent f'rgot to counteth off at the starteth of the mission. That gent almost hath called f'r a failure of the whole mission but the gang f'rgave that gent. Piloteth and cadet alike hadst excit'ment and did express yond those gents shall beest flying again


L'rdmcfuzz didst not leaveth the f'rt f'r some timeth. Stewing in a theatrical success, t wast hath decided those gents that gent wouldst still wend out and maketh a rendezvous with the century mission. With a protocol droid in handeth, a second one playing flote shanties through Albatross's class two sonic disrupt'rs, that gent setteth out to backeth traceth the did plan route yond ziqqurat did share the night bef're. Backeth tracing can beest hard without a droid mount, the fact yond thou art going backwards and ev'ry timeth one endues up the mapeth t is did zoom out.

L'rdmcfuzz wast able to findeth the weary pilots in jp on centre. Th're w're some che'rs but t wast cleareth yond their mission hadst taken t's toll. Too many gwells w're exp'rienc'd yet th're w're a few m're to wend. L'rdmcfuzz off'r'd to leadeth those folk backeth aft'r a navigat'r lighting issue did occur and t wast did accept. The byways w're quite and the groove wast stout in the fleet.

on the launcheth pad a deflat'd Ziqqurate wast pump'd up with the posteth mission feelings of the pilots yond did complete the century. T wast a classic quick closing c'remony yond most centuries art known f'r. Pilots then wenteth on to gath'r the shall to flyeth home as while their collective journey wast ov'r the p'rsonal one still hadst one m're leggeth


Has't excit'ment with this

We explored the question at hand and made a determination that it needed more exploration.

MRC rearranged the fort with the help of pilots and cadets alike
It was an unusual day at fort antwerp, Pilots and cadets alike gathered while the day star was still high in the sky to pick things up and put them down in a different location multiple times. The fort was in need of a rearrangement after it was agreed upon that the current one felt a bit crowded come mission time and pilots are buzzing around with urgent tasks. This new arrangement took about seven pilots/cadets and two hours to accomplish and is meant to take advantage of the no stuff zones mandated by Starmada Command's governing body. It was declared that we have built a mountain of ship in one corner of the fort while the rest of the fort is meant for more spacious pilot activities.

As MRC wound down and pilots begane to go about hanging out or prepping for the upcoming mission, it was announced that a cadet is ready to graduate and a time was set for a knighting at the scheduled launch time. The knighting ceremony for Jaguar was held in the freshly rearranged fort that he helped to fruition at the set time by Excess despite the mission being delayed for reasons about to be explained soon. With Jaguar freshly knighted as a full pilot of SCUL the gang cheered and hugged. Hip Hip Hooray!

The Pre-flight of this mission was a mellow, hectic, dramatic and melodramatic, or was it? It was discovered by Bane Thunderwolf that Bieber fever had a bent booster stanchion spindle and the starship scrapyard was out of replacements! Woe to the Fever of Bieber. After some brainstorming it was determined tonight was not the night and that the gang would have to fly without the expertise and dramaticisms of Bane Thunderwolf. Lordmcfuzz then put Cadet Starduck in the position of navigator with high expectations for their second mission. Deck officer Leotard made sure the rest of the jobs were handed out and pilots sufficiently prepped.

Mission reporter notes: This mission is a pretty unique one, no harvs and cadets/newly knighted pilots outnumbered seasoned pilots.

On the launch pad, the opening ceremonies was dramatically carried out by Mission Leader Lordmcfuzz. Pilots joined in on the theatrics, especially when asked if the fleet was willing to rendezvous with the century mission. Mission parameters were laid out with the kind of theatics that one would have to study before understanding, the high brow kind of stuff. With a selfish parameter of stopping for some steering dampener shortly after launch because MRC rolled right into pre-flight and the mission leader felt that they could not leave the fort so close to the launch time.

Starduck got into the gang's groove for navigating quick with a little bombardier cockpit navigating tips. They were even leading the fleet on chastity, and it was their second mission! It was determined at the end of the mission that they earned a medal of valor for taking on this role on short notice and little experience in the ways of navigating. They plotted a course down the empty memorial byway at which Zip Drive V3.1 suffered a mechanical!

Cadet Meownderthal sprung into action with toolbag. They assessed that the booster had cross threaded and was threatening the success of the mission. He was able to extract it, and reverse thread it from the other side to get the threads to realign themselves. The rest of the gang took some shore leave on the quite byway. The expert hands made good work on the booster and it appeared the operation was a success. There was no reason the return the fort early so the fleet pressed on.

Near North point Lordmcfuzz was reminded of some very smelly tardises from few mission ago as several banks of them were deployed for some space walking event. It was guarded by a sleepy rent-an-stormtrooper, quite similar to one that the gang has met a few years ago at the very spot. The fleet took some shore leave at a playground where ships and stories were swapped and a route home was planned. Starduck was taught the ways of navigating the fleet into and out of a black hole with success here.

A casual flight back to the fort where Lordmcfuzz had a dramatic breakdown about how he forgot to count off at the start of the mission. He almost called for a failure of the whole mission but the gang forgave him. Pilot and Cadet alike had fun and expressed that they will be flying again.


Lordmcfuzz did not leave the fort for some time. Stewing in a theatrical success, it was decided they he would still go out and make a rendezvous with the century mission. With a protocol droid in hand, a second one playing sea shanties through Albatross's Class two sonic disrupters, he set out to back trace the planned route that Ziqqurat shared the night before. Back tracing can be hard without a droid mount, the fact that you are going backwards and every time one brings up the map it is zoomed out.

Lordmcfuzz was able to find the weary pilots in JP on centre. There were some cheers but it was clear that their mission had taken it's toll. Too many gwells were experienced yet there were a few more to go. Lordmcfuzz offered to lead them back after a navigator lighting issue occurred and it was accepted. The byways were quite and the groove was strong in the fleet.

On the launch pad a deflated Ziqqurate was pumped up with the post mission feelings of the pilots that completed the century. It was a classic quick closing ceremony that most centuries are known for. Pilots then went on to gather the will to fly home as while their collective journey was over the personal one still had one more leg.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Jaguar Zip Drive V3.1 498.935   Aviator
Leotard Abracadaver 770.233   Commodore
Lordmcfuzz Albatross 1085  
starduck Chastity 0  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Wingmate 1 Leotard
Wingmate 2 Lordmcfuzz
Mission Leader Lordmcfuzz
Deck Officer Leotard
Gate Attendant Lordmcfuzz
Navigator starduck
Tailgunner Leotard
Com-Sat 1 Jaguar
Tool Bag Meownderthal
Flat Bag Jaguar
Medi Bag Lordmcfuzz
Wookiee Bag starduck
Ambassador Leotard
Chalk Bag Leotard
Life Support 1 Lordmcfuzz
Mission Pinner Jaguar
Mission Debriefer Lordmcfuzz
Mission Reporter Lordmcfuzz
Stellar Cartographer Lordmcfuzz

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderLordmcfuzz
Mission Size 4 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
Destinationyond is the questioneth
Light Years16.041
G-Well Activity1.031
Technical Rating1.357