Status: Success


Return of the Flight of the Navigators

Mission Objectives

  • Every pilot takes a turn as navigator.
  • Travel no more than 15ly.
  • Find the Wandering Cricket Night Market

Mission Summary

9 pilots proved they were constructed of more than sugar, braving variable radiative conditions on the journey to the fort. Launch was then delayed by widespread electrical bursts, detectable in the local and regional space by their sonic disruption. The fleet then launched into the waning radiation, with preparation for the navigational chaos and warnings of spontaneous heavy nebulae, in search of the Wandering Cricket Night Market.

Bane ThunderWolf led us out from the launchpad, on a course set to keep us within our distance requirement. Lordmcfuzz took over navigational duties, and quickly introduced a series of turns, before handing off navi to Kilo3 in a dead end. With support of the fleet, Kilo3 managed to navigate back to a direct course before Leotard took the conn to shore leave at the Night Market. Along the outbound trip, Bane Thunderwolf experienced an interaction between failing spacesuit and cockpit while waiting at a pulsar that resulted in a light collision with a nearby transport. No damage to the transport was detected, however Bane's spacesuit was determined to be negi. The fleet also passed the site of a single transport which had overturned beneath the Washington Street Railway Hyperspace Bypass. The transport lane was closed, however the fleet was permitted to break atmo and bypass the scene. The radiation faded to negligible levels prior to landing at the Night Market, where there was weird meat juice, homemade frozen custard, and life fulfillment to be had.

We launched from the night market having reduced radiation protection of our spacesuits, with Dr.Claw navigating a diversion into the Charlestown System, raising fears of exceeding our mandated 15 lightyear maximum. Wombat took over in the midst of the diversion, and managed to steer our errant course back toward the fort. Cadet Lasagna Mode led the next segment, with smooth flying on a clear heading. Patent Pending took the antepenultimate navigational shift, adding some looping flourishes near the Harvard Constellation, where Bane's torn spacesuit developed into an even more significant pantsical, causing Trinity to topple yet again. Excess plotted the course back toward the landing pad, leading us near Harvard Stadium, where Wombat's radiation cape acted like a matador and Leotard suffered a head-on collision with a bollard, with no significant damage reported. Once visual contact with the landing pad was established, Bane Thunderwolf returned to the navigator's post for our landing, where the Mission Success* was declared. Mission Success was confirmed in the morning, with a mostly even split of navigational distance shared among all pilots.

* Success was pending confirmation of the 15 lightyear limit by the Stellar Cartographer.

Approximate navigational split:
1.3ly - Bane Thunderwolf
1.1ly - Lordmcfuzz
1.3ly - Kilo3
1.5ly - Leotard
1.5ly - Dr.Claw
1.6ly - Wombat
1.3ly - Lasagna Mode
1.4ly - Patent Pending
1.6ly - Excess
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
BaneThunderwolf Trinity 1266.6   Captain
DrClaw Saint Christopher 1187.64   Rear Admiral, Lower Half
eXceSs Chutes & Ladders 314.225   Petty Officer First Class
Kilo3 Doctor Love 888.967   Master Chief Petty Officer
Lasagna Mode Centvrion 0  
Leotard Abracadaver 175.761  
Lordmcfuzz The Traveler 764.035   Vice Admiral
Patent Pending Life Alert 386.472  
Wombat Vespira 333.898  
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader BaneThunderwolf
Deck Officer BaneThunderwolf
Gate Attendant Kilo3
Navigator BaneThunderwolf
Tailgunner Lordmcfuzz
Com-Sat 1 Kilo3
Tool Bag Patent Pending
Flat Bag Lasagna Mode
Medi Bag eXceSs
Wookiee Bag DrClaw
Ambassador Lordmcfuzz
Chalk Bag Patent Pending
Still Cam Lordmcfuzz
Airlock DrClaw
Life Support 1 BaneThunderwolf
Mission Pinner BaneThunderwolf
Mission Debriefer Wombat
Mission Reporter Kilo3
Stellar Cartographer BaneThunderwolf
Cleaner BaneThunderwolf
Sentry DrClaw
Life Support Synthesis BaneThunderwolf
Wingmate 01 Patent Pending

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderBaneThunderwolf
Mission Size 9 pilots
OriginFort Antwerp
DestinationThe GPS gods can't help us now
Light Years12.722
G-Well Activity0.864
Technical Rating1.968