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Negi ShipsFifteen
Damaged ShipsEight
Fleet Efficiency78.6%

USB Spooky Pirate: Damaged

Fort Antwerp, Allston System
2021.06.26 | Wombat | Light Year 317.578
Not unridable, but primary thruster could use a good truing.
Open Log

USB Cloudbuster: Negi

Fort Antwerp, Allston System
2021.11.17 | Doctor Claw | Light Year 14,579.027
Awaiting new Warp core testing once the new fort is accessible.
Open Log

USB Anger: Negi

Fort Antwerp, Allston System
2021.11.24 | Fleet Admiral Skunk | Light Year 1,496.487
Hull Breach. Awaiting steel tubing order.
Open Log

VFD Angry Candy: Negi

Fort Jonathan, New Bedord System
2021.12.25 | Civitron | Light Year 296.487
We were carrying too many presents! The transaxle broke. Wating for Skunk to come and weld for us.