Admiral, Fleet Ready


Pilot Date2016.04.02
Total Light Years5,734.99
Current Experience29,740.80

Lordmcfuzz is an experienced pilot that hopes to one day reach 500 missions. They enjoy flying distance and weird objective missions. While not flying hard ships, crushing cups, and collecting high fives, they write software for corporations that are hopefully helping regular people. They have a love for data collection and have found that SCUL loves their data and paperwork. They DM for and play D&D with several other pilots. Playing other board games is also a love of theirs.

Some of Lordmcfuzz's notable missions:

Lordmcfuzz's favorite missions led (in no particular order):
  • Operation Myspace Your Tiktok:
    For such an old gang, no one really had a Myspace but they did get to participate in the Top 8 dilemma and drama. A custom operation playlist was created out of the top social media songs of the year, plus some old 'cultural hits'. Lordmcfuzz made a mistake mid-mission by getting zonked out and gave other pilots an interesting story for later.
  • Operation Glow Up: Tardis Edition :
    A wonderful crazy idea that just leaves a positive surprise in the most unexpected place.
  • Operation Lordmcfuzz's Double Doo Doo Century:
    See above list
  • Operation To The 29 Monuments: Lordmcfuzz Day:
    Lordmcfuzz wanted a special Lordmcfuzz day and to challenge the gang at the same time. When you are looking for a large number of things you start to see them everywhere.
  • Operation ABC It's as Easy as Objectives 1 2 3:
    Lordmcfuzz loves leading a good "ass" mission and this one had each pilot contributing to coming up with the mission parameters in the mission's pre-flight time.
  • OperationLocate the Sansa-Spacesuit People:
    Lordmcfuzz always wanted to participate in Boston's World Naked Bike Ride event but there was always a great mission happening on the same night. This time he made the great mission happen in the same place as the WNBR


Mission Leader41
Deck Officer39
Gate Attendant32
MRC Officer20
Emblem Designer7
Com-Sat 119
Com-Sat 22
Tool Bag11
Flat Bag36
Medi Bag20
Wookiee Bag5
Chalk Bag4
Starchasers - Fun Bag1
Still Cam29
Life Support 111
Life Support 23
Life Support 32
Life Support 42
Life Support 51
Damage Control17
Minister of Zoobs3
Mission Pinner38
Mission Debriefer15
Mission Reporter32
Stellar Cartographer53
Compressor Wrangler14
Life Support Synthesis1
Wingmate 013
Wingmate 021
Wingmate 032


MRC Basic
MRC Advanced
Colors on Bag
Field Repair
Colors on Person
Insignia on Person
Insignia on Bag
Derby Win
Derby Ribbon Grab
Transport Services


Hosted ByRocket
Enlistment Date2015.11.07
Knighted ByRocket
Pilot Date2016.04.02

Pilots Hosted

Service Record

Date Div Mission Ship
2024.11.02 MAD Omegamission 2024 Ghost Ship
2024.10.26 MAD Hallowheels '24 The Traveler
2024.10.19 MAD Holi-Daze The Traveler
2024.10.12 MAD So Long And Thanks For All The Swedish Fish The Traveler
2024.10.06 MAD Honktober Parade The Traveler
2024.10.05 MAD Founder's Day '24 The Traveler
2024.09.29 MAD Return to the End of the Line The Traveler
2024.09.16 MAD Troisième Folie (Interuniversal MTL) The Traveler
2024.08.10 MAD A Brief History of a Wrinkle in Time The Traveler
2024.08.03 MAD Summer Such-and-Such The Traveler
2024.07.26 MAD Space Camp '24 The Traveler
2024.07.20 MAD By The Numbers The Traveler
2024.07.06 MAD Belated Punchy Day The Traveler
2024.06.29 MAD The Flamboyance! The Traveler
2024.06.08 MAD Recon Mission Echo Niner Zero The Traveler
2024.06.01 MAD SCUL Day Episode '24 The Traveler
2024.05.25 MAD Night Tour The Traveler
2024.05.18 MAD Boot camp The Traveler
2024.05.11 MAD Reverse Art Heist The Traveler
2024.05.04 MAD May The Forks Be With You, And I'm All Outta Sp... The Traveler
2024.04.27 MAD Lesser Known The Traveler
2024.04.20 MAD Oh Dam, A Dam Albatross
2024.04.13 MAD Return to Classics The Traveler
2024.04.06 MAD Alpha-Mission D1S29 The Traveler
2023.12.23 MAD Tour de Tacky: For Whom the Jingle Bell Tolls The Traveler
2023.11.04 MAD Life Day: Omegamission '23 Pale Horse
2023.10.28 MAD Hallowheels '23 Pale Horse
2023.10.21 MAD Soggy Serenity Pale Horse
2023.10.14 MAD The Pumpkin Spice Must Flow Pale Horse
2023.10.08 MAD Honk-a-doodle-doo Super Hardon Collider
2023.10.07 MAD Scrub-a-honk-honk The Traveler
2023.09.24 MAD End of the Line: 100 Kilometers Under The Sea The Traveler
2023.09.16 MAD Left Turns are for Lawyers Super Hardon Collider
2023.09.09 MAD Mariner? I hardly know her The Traveler
2023.09.03 MAD Dead by Dawn The Mighty Nein
2023.08.20 MAD Spacecamp Three-Day 'Tour' The Traveler
2023.08.12 MAD Lordmcfuzz Races his H.A.R.V. In Rat City The Traveler
2023.08.05 MAD Something in the Water The Traveler
2023.07.29 MAD Return of the Flight of the Navigators The Traveler
2023.07.15 MAD Return to Space Mountain The Traveler
2023.07.08 MAD Ameri-can-Yeah! The Traveler
2023.07.01 MAD Myspace Your TikTok The Traveler
2023.06.24 MAD Locate the Sansa-Spacesuit People Eat My Shorts!
2023.06.17 MAD Spiral Bound The Traveler
2023.05.13 MAD Bounce It! The Traveler
2023.04.29 MAD Bathtime For Bureaucrats The Traveler
2023.04.22 MAD Square Route of Two The Traveler
2023.04.15 MAD (r)Ode to the Barnacle The Traveler
2023.04.08 MAD Follow the Sun, Into the Night The Traveler
2023.04.01 MAD Fools' Folly Flights: Alphamission '23 The Traveler
2022.12.17 MAD Tour de Tiki (Tour De Tacky 2022) Civilian Ship
2022.11.05 MAD Tour de Forts: Life Day '22 The Traveler
2022.10.29 MAD Hallowheels 2022 Boy With Apple
2022.10.22 MAD Putt Putt The Traveler
2022.10.15 MAD To Rendezvous or Not To Rendezvous Albatross
2022.10.09 MAD HONK! in the name of mechanicals. Super Hardon Collider
2022.10.08 MAD Ride, Relax, Enjoy (Skunk's Orbital Jam-bo-ree) The Traveler
2022.10.01 MAD One Hit Wonders The Traveler
2022.09.10 MAD CaSCULvania The Traveler
2022.09.03 MAD Uchill on the Uwormhole without Uhaul The Traveler
2022.08.28 MAD Voyage of the Dawn Treaders The Traveler
2022.08.20 MAD Chestnut Thrill The Traveler
2022.08.13 MAD Glow Up: Tardis Edition The Traveler
2022.07.30 MAD Escape To Space Fountain The Traveler
2022.07.23 MAD Happy Birthday Amelia Earhart The Traveler
2022.07.09 MAD Slowly But Shore Leave The Traveler
2022.06.25 MAD Memory Boop The Traveler
2022.06.18 MAD Meat, Greet, and Retreat The Traveler
2022.06.17 MAD Hot Tub Rendezvous The Traveler
2022.06.11 MAD Last Period Recess (No Diggity) The Traveler
2022.06.04 MAD Big Dig: SCUL Day Episode 26 The Traveler
2022.05.14 MAD Wild Rabbits On The Lost Horizon The Traveler
2022.05.07 MAD The Groove Never Dies The Traveler
2022.04.30 MAD Return to REDACTED Cave The Traveler
2022.04.09 MAD Hydropolis Overdrive The Traveler
2022.04.02 MAD Alphamssion is GO! The Traveler
2021.11.06 MAD Life Day Episode 2021 The Traveler
2021.10.30 MAD Soggywheels (Hallowheels 21) Boy With Apple
2021.10.23 MAD Great Migration The Traveler
2021.10.02 MAD So Long, And Thanks For All The Plasma Failures Super Hardon Collider
2021.09.11 MAD Tour de Wormhole: Century 21A The Traveler
2021.09.04 MAD Taco Party! Super Hardon Collider
2021.08.29 MAD Dawn Patrol: Sunny Side Up The Mighty Nein
2021.08.21 MAD Made of Sugar Super Hardon Collider
2021.08.14 MAD Fuzz Rides Bostreal The Traveler
2021.08.07 MAD Nyte Moves The Traveler
2021.07.31 MAD Lawn Games The Traveler
2021.07.10 MAD Two-tee Fiver The Traveler
2021.06.26 MAD Park Rangers The Traveler
2021.06.05 MAD We've Got It All The Traveler
2021.05.29 MAD Rain or Moonshine The Traveler
2021.05.22 MAD Through The Ringer The Traveler
2021.05.15 MAD Asteroid Belt Amble The Traveler
2021.05.15 MAD Ides of May The Traveler
2021.05.08 MAD Masked Gwells The Traveler
2021.05.01 MAD BuzzBall The Traveler
2021.04.24 MAD Sail the Galactic Seas The Traveler
2021.04.17 MAD Gamma Is For Chill The Traveler
2021.04.10 MAD Semi-official Beta Spectacular The Traveler
2021.04.03 MAD Red Shirt Panic The Traveler
2020.10.31 MAD Vortex-20 The Traveler
2020.07.22 MAD A Very Merry Whatsit The Traveler
2020.07.04 MAD Red, White, and A Horrible Idea The Traveler
2020.06.27 MAD Radiation Intimidation The Traveler
2020.06.20 MAD Officially Un-Official The Traveler
2020.06.13 MAD HanginTougher The Traveler
2020.06.06 MAD Foood! Civilian Ship
2020.05.30 MAD Intergalactic Distress Call The Traveler
2020.05.23 MAD SoloSCULimpics The Traveler
2020.05.16 MAD Superhero Super Mission The Traveler
2020.05.09 MAD Sesame Street The Traveler
2020.05.02 MAD Solo Scavenger Hunt The Traveler
2020.04.25 MAD Bending Space Time The Traveler
2020.04.18 MAD Intergalactic Dance Party Ghost Ship
2020.04.04 MAD Alternamission Ghost Ship
2019.11.09 MAD Omegamission 19 The Mighty Nein
2019.11.02 MAD Hallowheels 19 Eat My Shorts!
2019.10.19 MAD Nightworm Super Hardon Collider
2019.10.12 MAD G-Well That Ends Well: Century 2019 Eat My Shorts!
2019.10.05 MAD Skunk Day 50 Super Hardon Collider
2019.09.28 MAD Princess Bride Super Hardon Collider
2019.09.21 MAD To The 29 Monuments: Lordmcfuzz Day Eat My Shorts!
2019.09.14 MAD Pilots Need Pampers Eat My Shorts!
2019.09.07 MAD The Gang From L.A.Z.E.R. Eat My Shorts!
2019.08.24 MAD Deep Space Maneuvers - Stage One and Two Eat My Shorts!
2019.08.11 MAD Dawn Patrol Episode 2019 Bieber Fever
2019.08.10 MAD Night Watch R3dux Bieber Fever
2019.07.27 MAD Reindeer Games Eat My Shorts!
2019.07.20 MAD Scul! The Boot Camp The Mighty Nein
2019.07.20 MAD A Trip to the Moon The Mighty Nein
2019.07.13 MAD Splashdown! Super Hardon Collider
2019.07.06 MAD Two By Two, How About You? Super Hardon Collider
2019.06.29 MAD 0.5 XS Day Super Hardon Collider
2019.06.15 MAD A Hyperspace Byway Too Far Eat My Shorts!
2019.06.08 MAD The Sampler The Mighty Nein
2019.06.01 MAD The Fog of Time: SCUL Day '19 Eat My Shorts!
2019.05.25 MAD Life Support Synthesis Eat My Shorts!
2019.05.18 MAD Eat The Cricket Super Hardon Collider
2019.05.11 MAD Tribblespottin' Abandon All Hope
2019.05.04 MAD May The 4th Be Little Free Library Day on Tatoo... Bieber Fever
2019.04.27 MAD Pullin' G's Pale Horse
2019.04.20 MAD Soggy Space Matzah Iridium
2019.04.13 MAD Black Hole Eat My Shorts!
2019.04.06 MAD Appalachiamission '19 The Mighty Nein
2018.11.03 MAD Omegamission / Life Day 2018 Barf Bag
2018.10.27 MAD Hallowilla Barf Bag
2018.10.20 MAD Action Stations Super Hardon Collider
2018.10.13 MAD Alien Egg Investigation Pale Horse
2018.10.07 MAD A HONKing Good Time Glittergasm
2018.10.06 MAD Skunk Day: Episode 500 - A New Hope Super Hardon Collider
2018.09.29 MAD Lordmcfuzz's Double Doo Doo Century The Mighty Nein
2018.09.22 MAD Fall In Line The Mighty Nein
2018.09.15 MAD Cats In Space The Mighty Nein
2018.09.08 MAD Escape from the Cape Eat My Shorts!
2018.09.01 MAD Divinity Cat Moved Us To The Moon Cloudbuster
2018.08.25 MAD Red Dawn Super Hardon Collider
2018.08.18 MAD Chalk-Full-O'Funk Eat My Shorts!
2018.08.11 MAD Lazer Mizzzion Eat My Shorts!
2018.08.04 MAD Short Term Memory Loss Eat My Shorts!
2018.07.28 MAD Ancient Alien Ruins Super Hardon Collider
2018.07.21 MAD Thunderclaws Is Coming To Town Super Hardon Collider
2018.07.14 SCD Anchors A-weigh Super Hardon Collider
2018.07.07 MAD Planetary Prom Night Cloudbuster
2018.06.30 MAD Hot Night Squirt Gun Fight! Super Hardon Collider
2018.06.23 MAD Tell and Show Annihilation
2018.06.16 MAD Sculcation Speed Dating
2018.06.15 MAD Let's have a Parade Bucketlist
2018.06.10 MAD The Knights Who Say Iki Iki Iki Bucketlist
2018.06.09 MAD Bollard of Richard Dixon Bucketlist
2018.05.26 MAD SCUL Day 22 Eat My Shorts!
2018.05.19 MAD Soggy Ninjas Eat My Shorts!
2018.05.12 MAD Persephone Calling Eat My Shorts!
2018.05.05 MAD A.R.T.S.O.S. Supercollider
2018.04.28 MAD ABC It's as Easy as Objectives 1 2 3 Eat My Shorts!
2018.04.21 MAD Wandering Cricket Eat My Shorts!
2018.04.14 MAD Dr. Dudley Eat My Shorts!
2018.04.07 MAD Alohamission 2018 Eat My Shorts!
2017.11.04 MAD Life Day 2017 Eat My Shorts!
2017.10.28 MAD Hallowheels 2017 Civilian Ship
2017.10.21 MAD Day-Cordova Bieber Fever
2017.10.21 MAD Rocky Hyperspace Picture Show Bieber Fever
2017.10.15 MAD Galactic Frontier: One-Way Century 2017 Eat My Shorts!
2017.10.08 MAD Largest Parade Formation Ever Onatop
2017.10.07 MAD Little Red Riding pre-HONK! Eat My Shorts!
2017.10.01 MAD Little Ship of Horrors Cloudbuster
2017.09.30 MAD Big Dipper Eat My Shorts!
2017.09.22 MAD Return To Lawl Eat My Shorts!
2017.09.16 MAD Meskenas Mischief Onatop
2017.09.10 MAD For The Points Pale Horse
2017.09.09 MAD Bermuda Triangle Pale Horse
2017.09.09 SCD Glorious Sandchasers present Monbies & Dandies Pale Horse
2017.09.02 MAD Hypno Wormhole Eat My Shorts!
2017.08.19 MAD Unbirthday: A Mad Tea Party Eat My Shorts!
2017.08.12 MAD Sons of Perseus Eat My Shorts!
2017.08.05 MAD Infinity Greaves Eat My Shorts!
2017.07.29 MAD Chop Beach Rinse Repeat Eat My Shorts!
2017.07.22 MAD Chop To The Hop Pale Horse
2017.07.15 MAD Christmas In July Onatop
2017.07.01 MAD SCUL Day Observed Moneypenny
2017.06.24 MAD Army of Robots Moneypenny
2017.06.18 MAD Yes, We Have No Bananas Curves 4 Days
2017.06.15 MAD Lithuaniamania and Gargamel's Revenge Papa Smurf
2017.06.03 MAD Night Market Garden: A Bridge Too Far Abandon All Hope
2017.05.27 MAD Augment My Chopper Moneypenny
2017.05.13 MAD Let's Be Evil Moneypenny
2017.05.06 MAD Wheeled Migration Moneypenny
2017.04.29 MAD We're Smart, We'll Figure It Out Onatop
2017.04.22 MAD Creampuff Moneypenny
2017.04.15 MAD Egg-zaduration Onatop
2017.04.08 MAD Z Axis Moneypenny
2017.04.01 MAD I'm Dreaming of a White Alphamission Onatop
2016.11.05 MAD Life Day 2016 Chrome Pony
2016.10.29 MAD Hallowheel sooogoood El Guapo
2016.10.22 MAD Poefection Pestilence
2016.10.15 SCD Colour Out of Space (Starchaser Century) Pale Horse
2016.10.08 MAD Skunk Day '16 Abandon All Hope
2016.09.30 MAD Voulez Vous Woohoo Part Deux One Night Stand
2016.09.23 MAD Kineticcting to LOL Moneypenny
2016.09.17 MAD Peter Pan - Return of the Lost Boys Moneypenny
2016.09.10 SCD Space Camp: The Revenge Moneypenny
2016.09.03 MAD U-Want To Do What? Moneypenny
2016.08.20 MAD Ghost Train Bieber Fever
2016.08.14 MAD Dawn Patrol Abandon All Hope
2016.07.30 MAD Pretty Princess Pale Horse
2016.07.23 MAD Castles In The Sand Kewpie
2016.07.16 MAD Salem's Lot Bieber Fever
2016.07.09 MAD Red Light Hustle Trinity
2016.06.25 MAD Lickety Splat Moneypenny
2016.06.18 SCD Luna Libros IV: Satellites of Love Bieber Fever
2016.06.11 MAD Over, Under, Around, and Through Catastrophe
2016.06.04 MAD Twentieth Anniversary Fox Yer Mom
2016.05.28 MAD Reach The Beach Bieber Fever
2016.05.21 MAD Night Market Rendezvous *TOP SEKRET Abandon All Hope
2016.05.14 MAD Do The Worm Moneypenny
2016.05.07 MAD Yer Mom Is So Chopped Yer Mom
2016.04.30 MAD Divine Comedy Greed
2016.04.23 MAD White Hole Moneypenny
2016.04.16 MAD The Friendly Skies Annihilation
2016.04.02 MAD Alfrescomission '16 Bieber Fever
2015.11.07 MAD Omegamission 2015 Mad Rabbit
Iron Cog
MRC Medal
Flying Ace