SCUL Boston Mission Control

SCUL HAL BBS mrc access launch contact the admiral

The next MAD SCUL PRIME BOSTON mission is

Operation Boot camp

Saturday 18 May
Airlocks: 7:00 PM
Launch 8:00 PM

Host, Cadets & Guests: 7:00 PM sharp
Present and Pre-flighted 7:45 PM

Mission Status: ConfirmedCrew Count: 4
Mission Leader: eXceSsDeck Officer: NULLNavigator: NULL


cyclists on modified bicycles line up at night, about to ride

Boot Camp Saturday 4-6 pm

Diva and eXceSs are hosting a recruiting session Saturday 18 May. Training from 6 to 8 pm.

We officially have a full-roster of maggots. Let's train them well and show them the posi-ness of SCUL.

Every pilot is a wingmate and should be a the fort and ready to help before 7:00 pm. DO NOT DISAPPOINT YOUR CADET!

Thank you for helping others to experience the wonder of spaceflight.

pile of chopper bicycles with a sign that says ENTER

Getting Access to the Fort

The Wizard of Antwerp

We have a floating 'Amulet of Antwerp' (key fob): get in touch with the Wizard of Antwerp to arrange a time to meet up and get you access.

Try Goose!

Goose is around many late nights, and is happy to let SCUL pilots in to do their thing. Call to see if he's around: (978)944-4924.

We are currently working hard to get better access for SCUL pilots. Id you are interested in helping, or would like to learn more, visit the Artisans Asylum Agreement with SCUL page on HAL.

Note: Skunk, Excess, Doctor Claw, and Hackworth have Amulets too.

SCUL pilots are welcome at the fort any time.

Typical Launch Schedule

Be present and ready to fly before launch time so pilots aren't waiting around for you.

SCUL prime missions use the following schedule:

Once ready, we head to the launchpad - the other side of the garage door where you ring your bell to get in. It's on the map above.

Condition Green Criteria

Assemble at the launchpad at the given time. Once we have 'condition green across the board', the mission leader calls 'FALL RANKS'.

CriteriaPoint Person
All pilots physically present on the launchpadThe individual pilot
All ships preflightedThe individual pilot
All taskforce jobs assignedThe deck officer
All bags are inventoriedEach pilot who took on the taskforce job
All affairs of the Gate Attendant settledThe gate attendant
Status: in-flight setThe deck officer

Fort Antwerp Local Space

NOTE: transports should use Everett Street Access Road. Map is out of date.

Fort Antwerp is located at 55 Antwerp Street Boston, accessible only via Everett or Holton Street. Fort Antwerp has a HAL Page.


Saturday 25 May is OPEN to lead

If there is to be a mission, there will be a mission leader. It doesn't have to be fancy, and the mission doesn't have a name yet. Noobs and Vets are welcome to step up and take on the glorious task of leading a SCUL mission.

If you are interested in leading the mission, sign up on the mission page.


Fleet Admiral Skunk

Text or call any time: (617) 666-2299.
end subspace xmission read and destroy