Status: Virtual


Somer Circumnaville Vigation Mk. I

On a cool summer night (what an oxymoron) six...wait....four (after the departure of one BaneThunderwolf and another LordMcFuzz) intrepid pilots headed off to stake SCUL's claim to the Somerville System by circumnavigating it by starlight.

The mission proceeded apace until reaching the Charlestown Subsystem, after a leisurely ride to and through North Point Park. There, Ziqqurat became confused, in what was to become an unfortunately regular occurrence, nearly hurting itself in its confusion! It took the deft assistance of DrClaw, PhD MD JD etc to set the course right and get the mission back on track. After a journey through the treacherous Sullivan Constellation and past the strange and glowing On Core Boss Tun Haw Bore, we navigated the deadly Black Hole Sweetser, and Ziqqurat became confused once more, proceeding to strand the brave crew on the deadly reaches of uppermost Broadway, confusing lumbering sandworms in their dedicated paths worn red by the blood of enemies. DrClaw again led the crew out of this treacherous situation to the Northern Strand Wormhole, and soon the fleet was off again, towards the Malden Asteroid Belt and the Orange Line.

After navigating a treacherous stretch of turbulence around the horn of the cape of the Orange Line, Ziqqurat experienced his final episode of confusion, leading the fleet down the wrong enormous pathway (28 instead of 16) and failing the mission by breaching the Somerville cosmic boundary. At this time, many pilots began to display symptoms of burning up, and it was deemed best to cut short the mission and live to fight another day. Passing through Davis Constellation, the fleet split up, and the mission ended.

Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Dead Bride Albatross   
DrClaw Skywarp 43.227  
Threespeed Dr. Moreau 199.726   Pilot
Ziqqurat Iridium 450.771   Aviator First Class
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Ziqqurat
Flat Bag Ziqqurat
Medi Bag Ziqqurat
Chalk Bag Ziqqurat
Mission Debriefer Ziqqurat
Mission Reporter Ziqqurat

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderZiqqurat
Mission Size 4 pilots
OriginBow-Summer Nexus
DestinationRound and round
Light Years14.062
G-Well Activity3.221
Technical Rating1.788