Status: Success


On With The Show

This was a the second time we have visited the MITers event, and we were actually billed as part of the performance this time. Subspace transmitter WZBC mentioned SCUL in their Earth concert report.

The journey to the event did not go without incident. A battle ensued between NTY CurbBurner, USB AbandonAllHope and a transport. We ordered the transport to stand down and it complied. Upon arrival of the MITers event we immediately performed a short range scan, as is standard procedure. The scan produced a civilian ship's fork. We put it in our cargo bays immediately. Once we settled in and dropped anchor we explored the other events. One object that took our interest was a laser sighted blowgun. Although fascinating, the object proved of little use to us due to the fact that operation of such device was a two handed operation and therefore prove impractical in battle.

Another object was a sub-woofer chair. Skunk took a particular liking to it, for he has the most advanced case of Bananarama. This seemed to have posi effects indeed.

It was finally time for SCUL's air show to begin. Some interesting effects were produced by skidding into a large puddle of water. Huge walls of water were produced, and several pilots and civilians suffered radiation exposure. Then a crude launchpad was constructed. CurbBurner was particularly good at the launching.

After a while we headed back to base in a leisurely manner. On the way GassyD hit some space dust and crashed USB Envy. Some minor scrapes, nothing more.
Pilot Ship Points Promotion
Crack Famine 132.224   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Crack Famine 132.224   Senior Chief Petty Officer
Gassy D Envy 93.4172   Aviator First Class
MegaSeth Pale Horse 65.8266   Aviator
Nails Colostomos 112.914   Aviator First Class
Nails Lust 112.914   Aviator First Class
Skunk Abandon All Hope 443.521  
Stinky Curb Burner 168.163   Aviator First Class
Stinky Curb Burner 168.163   Aviator First Class
WalTor Lust 62.3761   Petty Officer Third Class
Pilots must be logged in to see the briefing.
Taskforce Pilot
Mission Leader Skunk
Mission Reporter Skunk

Mission Parameters

Mission LeaderSkunk
Mission Size 10 pilots
OriginFort Francis
Light Years7.030
G-Well Activity1.375
Technical Rating3.833